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Section J
Adult Arts

Judged on appearance, originality, quality of work, and overall appeal.

All wall art must be able to be hung or it will be pinned to a wall.

Note: Anyone holding a GST number for their art must enter the commercial classes.


1.  Oils 

2.  Water Colour

3.  Other Medium, i.e. ink, pencil, charcoal

4.  Acrylic

5.  Woodwork

6.  Metalwork

7.  Short Story

8.  Other



1.  Fine Art

2.  Other


Section K
Junior Arts 

Judged on appearance, originality, quality of work, and overall appeal.

All wall art must be able to be hung or it will be pinned to a wall.

5 Years & Under (Section K)


1.   Colouring, colouring book

2.   Cut and Paste Art

3.   Other

6 to 8 Years


4.   Painting

5.   Drawing

6. Colouring

7. Painting on Rocks

8. Other

9 to 11 Years


9. Painting, oil / watercolour / acrylic

10. Drawing, any medium

11. Sculpture, clay or wood

12. Painted Rock

13. Other

12 to 13 Years


14. Painting, oil / watercolour / acrylic

15. Drawing, any medium

16. Painted Rock

17. Other

14 to 16 Years


18. Other

Rules For Adult & Junior Photography:

Photos no larger than 8"x10", maximum 16"x12" when matted and framed.

Photos in colour and black & white collections must not exceed 5"x7". They must be mounted or framed as in 1 piece.

Creative mounting of collections is accepted.

All entries must be original work of the exhibitor and not previously shown at the Kootenay Country Fair.

All Entries are required to have a hanging apparatus so that they may be properly hung and displayed.​ The committee will not be responsible should the photos fall after hanging

Digital photography has become so common that pictures taken digitally will be accepted in all classes. Normal photo editing on computer is accepted (e.g. colour, balancing, cropping, levelling of horizon).

Limit of 3 photos per exhibitor in each class.

​​Section L
Photography by Adults 

Adult  (18 years +)


1. Colour Photo or Black & White, a) people,

b) creatures  c) landscape/plants, d) other

2. Colour or Black & White Collection, 3-5 photos

3. Electronic Photo Album, total 15 pictures               (contact convener for details if needed)

4. Best of the East Kootenay, colour or black & white

5. Semi-Professional: colour or black & white

6. Professional & Commercial: colour or black & white

NOTE: Anyone holding a GST number for sales must enter the professional/commercial class.

All entries must be left on display until 4:00 p.m. Sunday when they may be picked up or left for auction which takes place at 4:30 p.m.

Section M
Junior Photography

5 to 12 Years


1. Colour or Black & White: a) people,

b) creatures c) landscape/plants, d) other

2. Colour or Black & White Collection, 3-5 photos

13 to 17 Years


3. Colour or Black & White a) people, b) creatures c) landscape/plants d) other

4. Colour or Black & White Collection, 3 - 5 Photos

The Best of the East Kootenay

Up to 17 years


1. Colour & Black & White

2. Electronic Photo Album, total 15 pictures 

(contact convenor for details if needed)

Section N
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle


Enter this fun competition! Each object or item will be judged on originality, usefulness and / or art form.



1. Useful

2. Artistic

13 to 16 Years


3. Useful

4. Artistic

12 Years & Under


5. Useful

6. Artistic



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